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Christian Elliot
Dec 29, 202123 min read
What's REALLY Keeping Covid Going...And How We Stop It
“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil, to one who is striking at the root.” – Henry David Thoreau Anyone besides me...
11,367 views44 comments

Christian Elliot
Mar 16, 20218 min read
How to Overcome a Lack of Motivation: Part 4 - The Best Way to Beat Overwhelm
Overwhelm is a powerful foe. Who us has not felt the suffocating emotions of... Another project added to your plate at work or at home A...
5,268 views0 comments

Christian Elliot
Jan 9, 202112 min read
My Favorite Books and Documentaries of 2020
As I look back on the list of books I read (and listened to) last year, one theme definitely stands out… That theme...was questioning my...
3,975 views6 comments

Christian Elliot
May 7, 202013 min read
Bankruptcy, Blogging, and Believing
Going through bankruptcy in 2017, at age 41, with a wife and four kids, is the hardest thing I've ever done. It was the most...
2,103 views1 comment

Christian Elliot
Apr 14, 202010 min read
The Impracticality of Fearing Germs
Been out in public recently? I don't know about you, but this whole quarantine has got me imagining all sorts of scenarios for what the...
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Christian Elliot
Mar 18, 20205 min read
A Crash Course in Homeschooling...and Maintaining Your Sanity
Over on her personal Facebook page Nina has been offering some hard-won wisdom for you parents suddenly charged with homeschooling your...
577 views18 comments

Christian Elliot
Mar 4, 20206 min read
What Your Social-Media Diet is Costing You
Ever eat fast food and feel...not-so-good when you were done? Similarly, ever get lost scrolling on social media and feel emotionally...
505 views4 comments

Christian Elliot
Feb 18, 20204 min read
Are You Too Fixated on the Scale?
Does the number you're seeing on the scale not match all the hard work you've put in? Did the number it showed you recently leave you...
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Christian Elliot
Feb 1, 20206 min read
Consistency is Overrated
I've been getting an inordinate amount of emails lately on the topic of "how to stay consistent." What is up with that? Maybe it's: A...
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Christian Elliot
Dec 19, 20196 min read
My Fifteen Favorite Books of 2019
Ever come across a book you wish you had found years earlier? This year I was on a roll. I had the good fortune to be pointed to so many...
1,592 views3 comments

Christian Elliot
Dec 4, 20194 min read
Mistake #4: You Keep Falling for Good Marketing
Where did you get the idea that losing weight was supposed to be easy? Who told you a simple equation of calories, points, macros, or...
108 views2 comments

Christian Elliot
Nov 4, 20195 min read
How to Lose Weight in Spite of Your Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, or Doctor
I have a client who hired a dozen different personal trainers before she found me. She tried just about every diet you can think of too....
417 views3 comments

Christian Elliot
Oct 21, 20194 min read
Mistake #2: You Don't Take Planning Seriously
"I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they plan their lives. Perhaps that is because escape...
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Christian Elliot
Oct 16, 20193 min read
Mistake #1: You Think You Know What to Do
“What is really important is what you learn after thinking you know it all.” Waite Phillips Ever said: “I know what I need to do, I just...
151 views0 comments

Christian Elliot
Aug 27, 20185 min read
Movement As Medicine for Pain
Do you have an achy joint, or two or three? Does your body give you pushback when you get active? Do you wonder if living with pain is...
832 views1 comment

Christian Elliot
Aug 27, 20185 min read
What To Do if You Dislike Exercise
A common frustration I hear from people is they don’t like exercise. Just hearing the word transports people to feelings of physical...
749 views0 comments

Christian Elliot
Aug 16, 20182 min read
Opting Out of Overwhelm
Does the idea of transforming your health sometimes feel like a monumental task? If you’re like most people…your new year’s resolution...
92 views5 comments

Christian Elliot
Aug 15, 20186 min read
Reason #7 Why You're Stuck: You Picked the Wrong Goal
Ever looked back on your efforts to change and realized you were focused on the wrong things? To say you picked the wrong goals isn’t...
281 views0 comments

Christian Elliot
Aug 15, 20185 min read
Reason #6 Why You're Stuck: You Rely on Willpower, Not Why Power
“Willpower is an exhaustible resource.” That was one of the best lines I picked up from the excellent book Switch: How to Change When...
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Christian Elliot
Aug 15, 20184 min read
Reason #5 Why You're Stuck: You Treat Health Debt Like Credit Card Debt
Are you borrowing from your future health to pay for your current lifestyle? Is your body wracking up expenses--pains, excess weight,...
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